Article Oct.2003 ( WB9LPU)

CW Key builder Rich Meiss WB9LPU Speaker for IRC October 2003 Meeting.

Guest Rich Meiss WB9LPU; has been a ham for about four years; during which time he has amassed some 75 home brew CW keys. His collection ranges from the original Military version to those he has made from scratch. He has won several home brew contests in past years and CQ magazine has featured his handy work in the 2003 October issue. You name it, straight key to auto bug paddles and Rich has designed and built some of the most elaborate units available.

Rich talked to us and showed us many different keyers that have been used in Telegraphing to the conversion to amateur radio keyers.

The 1st keyer was in 1841. Rich told us that the keyers were called Bugs and that they have a bug on them. He brought lots of different keyers that were original and lots that he made himself, because this is his hobby.
He showed us J38, J47 tank keyer which is explosion proof, sub keyer, polish keyers from behind the iron curtain, soviet keyers from the Ukraine.
He had a Marconi sparta keyer, something like they used on the Titanic.
If anyone is interested in the keyer and their origin you can contact WB9LPU and he does make different keyers that he sells.

Article By C.W.Crist-W9IH

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